At the Greensboro Festival of lights Joel Leonard and Joelburger teamed up for a duet-- don't worry Jaybird did all of the singing while Joel just moved his lips(so it sounded great).
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Mr Jaybird on my Shoulder
At the Greensboro Festival of lights Joel Leonard and Joelburger teamed up for a duet-- don't worry Jaybird did all of the singing while Joel just moved his lips(so it sounded great).
Bridging the Gap-- from reality to paradise

Been a busy week, 2 days in Toronto, 2 days in Raleigh, NC, an evening at Greensboro's Festival of lights (more pics and info later on these travels) but now Joel will be capping off a busy week by visiting Charleston,SC. Oh, the rigors for those on the quest for enjoying the best tastes that life can offer. Charleston will sure to provide many splendid, savory morsels for Joel, Greta, Hurleen, Roy and the infamous Miss Demeanor. We will update as upon their return from paradise.
Monday, November 26, 2007
The Joelburger can help fix the US Dollar

Joel Leonard is on his way to Canada to spread the word on the splendors of the World Famous Joelburger. With the recent collapse of the US currency exchange rate, this makes it easier for "demdam fureners" to come to the US and buy more Joelburgers. If enough visit and spend their Euros, Pounds, Yen and Canadian dollars, the US currency may rebound. So help inflate the dollar and clog foreign arteries by spreading the word worldwide about the splendors of consuming the Joelburger, an American treasure.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Rosie, the Riveter, can't wait to try the World Famous Joelburger
The legendary Rosie, the Riveter, flexed her muscles to get ready to try the Joelburger. At this recent Asheboro, NC USO dance to commemorate Veterans Day, several of the attendees were intrigued to learn more about the alluring taste of the Joelburger with some FREEDOM fries. We thank all of the vets for all of their sacrifices so that we have the opportunity to enjoy the freedom to enjoy the gluttoneous pleasures and not have to endure tyranny.
No competition from Collard Green Sandwich
We are always in constant search for a better sandwich. Above is a picture of a Collard Green Sandwich, which the locals of Maxton, NC, rave about. However the World Famous Joelburger is still the best sandwich. Sorry Maxton, as good as collard greens may be, they just can't compete with fresh grilled Angus patties with pimento cheese and Sourdough Bread.
However the soup prepared from the local Campbell's plant will go great along with a Joelburger.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Europeans Love the Joelburger
Recently, Joel met a German and a Czech visitor to Greensboro at a European beer tasting. Later they tried the World Famous JoelBurger and loved it!
Joel hopes to make a return trip to Europe in 2008 to speak at the EuroMaint conference and perhaps win over more converts to the splendors of the Joelburger.
Ometa got to eat a Joelburger
Friendly neighbor, and highly capable maintenance woman, Ometa Kenan, loved to eat a Joelburger. With the time change, the sun set early. Joel was in a jam. He was trying to assemble his new smoker/grill that his darling Greta gave him for his birthday.
Ometa came to the rescue and helped Joel screw (ok keep a clean mind) the cooker together for the Joelburger cookout. She said later after finally getting a chance to eat the World Famous Joelburger, "This is a great burger! No wonder people love it!"
Future fans of the Joelburger?
Maybe so, maybe not. Each year for the last three years Joel has donated the morning of his birthday to speak to area kids about career options. As opposed to saying "cheese" each kid said "getta job!"
Hopefully many of the these kids may fill the shoes of retiring workers, so that our economy may still grow - and that more people will have enough discretionary income to buy lots of Joelburgers.
44 revolutions around the sun for Joel
Pity that no one had a camera yesterday at Fincastles. Reportedly over 100 people arrived to dine on the $4.44 special Joelburgers. The famous Fincastle singing waiter,Jaybird, sang a unique solo Happy Birthday to Joel Leonard and then led a chorus of the entire restaurant to sing Happy Birthday to Joel. Several people commented Joel's face blushed to the same color of a ketchup bottle. Although embarrassed, Joel said he was delighted so many people took time out of their busy day to celebrate his 44 revolutions around the sun.
Above is a picture taken at Joel's weekend cookout. Many newcomers are now raving fans of the unique flavor of Joelburgers.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Don't forget Monday November 5th Fincastles for Lunch
Over the last couple years Joel Leonard has become quite grateful to all of the media support provided to help him produce the MPACT JobFairs. Above is Skip, Jeff and Carmen of 98.7 Simon with Joel Leonard from a picture taken in July. It is estimated that close to over 1000 workers have gotten jobs due to Joel's help.
So feel free to join us on Monday at Fincastles to honor Joel's service to the Triad economy by having a JoelBurger special for only $4.44. Hope that you join us. Rumor has it that Joel will drop in around 1:30.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
For Joelburger Special

Monday November 5th, Joel Leonard, namesake of the World Famous JoelBurger turns 44 years old.
Jody Morphis, owner of Fincastles, said "In honor of Joel's 44, anyone who orders a JoelBurger on Monday November 5th, can get it for only $4.44, normally $6.00."
Fincastles is busy making extra pimento cheese for this special event.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Current and Crap TV Staff interested in the Joelburger
Recently at ConvergeSouth, a couple of movers and shakers at Current TV and the founder of CrapTV from Southern California came to Greensboro. Gotta like a guy who names his site CrapTv!
They were awestruck to hear about a Double Angus Pimento Cheesburger on Sourdough Bread named after Joel Leonard. Not exactly politically or environmentally correct cuisine.
We haven't heard yet if they were able to eat their weekly caloric intake in one sandwich or not. But who knows after word spreads, perhaps even Nobel Peace Prize Winner Al Gore may come to town to investigate the Joelburger for himself. Our guess is he will eat it with his left hand and probably have plenty of carbon emissions after infusion. Hopefully those gases will not poison the ozone layer too much and cause more icecap meltdowns. Perhaps CrapTV may have to develop some solutions to those potential challenges.
They were awestruck to hear about a Double Angus Pimento Cheesburger on Sourdough Bread named after Joel Leonard. Not exactly politically or environmentally correct cuisine.
We haven't heard yet if they were able to eat their weekly caloric intake in one sandwich or not. But who knows after word spreads, perhaps even Nobel Peace Prize Winner Al Gore may come to town to investigate the Joelburger for himself. Our guess is he will eat it with his left hand and probably have plenty of carbon emissions after infusion. Hopefully those gases will not poison the ozone layer too much and cause more icecap meltdowns. Perhaps CrapTV may have to develop some solutions to those potential challenges.
Are you connected with the Blogworld?
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Smart People love the Joelburger
Have you tried the Joelburger yet?
A very smart English teacher at Elon University loves the scrumptious taste of the Joelburger. This little lady shared her enthusiasm for the burger during the Converge South conference BBQ held at the home of the lovely Hoggard family.
Several leaders in the video industry from Southern California attending this excellent blogger conference hope to get a byte of the burger as well.
For those who want to learn more about ConvergeSouth and perhaps check out
A very smart English teacher at Elon University loves the scrumptious taste of the Joelburger. This little lady shared her enthusiasm for the burger during the Converge South conference BBQ held at the home of the lovely Hoggard family.
Several leaders in the video industry from Southern California attending this excellent blogger conference hope to get a byte of the burger as well.
For those who want to learn more about ConvergeSouth and perhaps check out
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Lug your own JoelBurgers
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
Baker Leonard on YouTube
Monday, September 10, 2007
Relatively Speaking: "The Joelburger is a wonderful idea"
Monday, September 03, 2007
Just Darling

You know you are getting old when the youthful images you saw on TV are out doing farewell tours and look more like AARP recruiters than banjo playing kids. But it was quite a joy meeting the Darlings, the Mayberry re-enactors paying tribute, and most importantly hanging out with Charlene. She is still Bewtiful!
All of the nostalgia makes me hungry for a JoelBurger.
Answer to Guess who question
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Nip It! Nip it in the Burger
What a set of choppers?
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Freedom of the Burger
If you are a big fan of the World Famous Joelburger here is your chance to be heard.
Click here to vote
Click here to vote
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Another Famous Joelburger Fan
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Jody Morphis- Culinary Artist!
Saturday, July 07, 2007
More Masterpieces
He said, "I would like to paint a bun on the side of the World Famous JoelBurger."
Easier said than done! As you can see from a potential prototype above, that it would take a lot of paint to cover the whole bun of the Joelburger. Not sure if this famous artist could devote the time to a project with a perishable canvas. Also probably not a good idea. Because the real beauty of the Joelburger is not in the looks, but the taste.
However, if you would like to check out Mike's real masterpieces go to
And if you want to try the beautiful tasting Joelburger just go to Fincastles
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Hunger Pains Tapped at the Whitehouse.
The JoelBurger GAL!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
During the July 4th Festivities in Greensboro
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Capitol Idea-- no need for term limits just Joelburgers

Amanda and Joel, the namesake of the Joelburger, discovered that our nation's congress does not have access to the World Famous Joelburgers. Joel said if each member ate at least 5 JoelBurgers daily that they would be too congested to fund more pork barrel projects and we wouldn't have to worry about term limits because congress would expire in session.
Perhaps by increasing Congress' waists, we would finally reduce government waste! Fat chance!, huh?
While searching for a better burger

But they did discover the 4 chairs from Elm Street Woolworth Greensboro store that started the sit in movement. Check out for more information.
Amanda said "I can't believe that something from Greensboro was in the Smithsonian." And thank God anyone, regardless of age, race, or gender, who wants a Joelburger, can get one. All they have to do, is go to Fincastles.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Where can you get the Award Winning JoelBurger?

Fincastles Diner in Downtown Greensboro
It's the place for hamburgers, french fries and shakes, just like they made 'em in the good old days.
For good food and good times, there's nothing like Fincastles Diner. Located in the heart of revitalized Downtown Greensboro, Fincastles serves up hamburgers, hot dogs, milk shakes and more.
But it's not just about good food. It's also about having a good time. Whether it's listening to the well-stocked jukebox or catching Robert "Jaybird" Williams, the singing waiter, Fincastles Diner is the place to go for food, fun and friendly people.
So come on in. You'll be glad you did.
It's the place for hamburgers, french fries and shakes, just like they made 'em in the good old days.
For good food and good times, there's nothing like Fincastles Diner. Located in the heart of revitalized Downtown Greensboro, Fincastles serves up hamburgers, hot dogs, milk shakes and more.
But it's not just about good food. It's also about having a good time. Whether it's listening to the well-stocked jukebox or catching Robert "Jaybird" Williams, the singing waiter, Fincastles Diner is the place to go for food, fun and friendly people.
So come on in. You'll be glad you did.
Sunday, May 13, 2007

First place: Joel Burger (Fincastle's) The Joel Burger is a piece of genius: a double beef patty served on sliced sourdough bread with a generous dollop of pimiento cheese, lettuce, tomato and a few squirts of Fincastle Sauce, invented by maintenance guru Joel Leonard. The sandwich has garnered dozens of fans and for a time even had its own blog.
JoelBurger Blogmaster note: Joelburger Blog is still operational
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