Several hundred geeks are back in Greensboro to learn more about the blogging and effective tools. While here they are tasting various perspectives from numerous experts on social networking, citizen journalism and business development.
This event is hosted on NC A&T and exposes the geek community to the activities and resources of these wonderful facilities.
Afterwards several are planning on visiting Elm Street and hopefully more will have a chance to receive a sampling the delicasies at Fincastles. Several are anxiously awaiting their opportunity to try the Joelburger.
This is an outstanding event for the curious to learn so hope you can join us next year and feed the hunger of knowledge to survive in the new electronic universe now called the Blogosphere.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Great Heads of Statesville Exit Poll

Although totally unrelated to the Joelburger, but thought that you might want to learn about another Joel creation. It appears that 4 years ago Greta Lint, his girlfriend. needed an idea to promote the Statesville Pumpkin Festival.
Well, Joel instantly responded, why not catapult pumpkins with political caricatures painted on the pumpkins down a field to predict the results of the 2004 election? Thus the Great Heads of Stateville Exit Poll was born.
Believe it or not it was 80% accurate at predicting the races. And ironically it also discovered that John Edwards had a bad habit of misfiring-- oh that is another story-- but anyway with 2008 Election weeks away on October 24th they will be launching at least 20 more pumpkins. This time Mitchell Community College Physics and Industrial Maintenance classes have built and welded the catapult and an 8th grade art class will be painting the pumpkins.

What Joel is particularly pleased is that it also helped launch the careers of several future engineers. Now that is how to make school interesting.
Barbeque Master discovers the Joelburger

Cyndi Allison aka The Barbeque Master Blogger features the Joelburger in her very popular blog about epicurean delights.
Check out
It appears that more and more Joelburger fans are being created daily.
Why don't you go to Fincastles and try one for yourself and see firsthand what all of hubbub is, bub?
Crisis Avoided-- Joelburger is not Homeless

Whew! With the stockmarkets going down, the foreclosures rates going up, gas prices still outrageous, unemployment going up-- it is always comforting to know that where you can get your comfort food and the Joelburger ranks very high on many people's stress reliever lists.
Well, we had a little scare recently upon seeing the front page of the local Greensboro News & Record. Lots of Joelburger fans were nervous that they would not be able to go to Elm Street and get future Joelburgers at Fincastles as negotiations on lease arrangments appeared to be on life support.
We learned that on Friday that Fincastles has signed an amenable lease to all parties. Whoopee! Let's all celebrate by going to Fincastles and getting a homemade milkshake, Joelburger and fries.
Good thing Congress didn't have to get involved or the Joelburger may be involved in a downward spiral. Oops now my stress levels have gotten back up-- better go get a Joelburger and quit thinking about Congress.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Pimento Cheese Meltdown
Don't know about you but all of this mess on Wall Street has got us concerned on Elm Street. So as the stockmarket melts down, more have realized the importance of good ole escapism and getting a JoelBurger with melted Pimento Cheese.
Come on down to Fincastles and try the Joelburger and make your worries go away.
Come on down to Fincastles and try the Joelburger and make your worries go away.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Asheboro Libre: New Official Drink of Asheboro, NC
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Ancestral Pride- Visiting the Homeland
Below is a reprint of a previous blog- that was originally published April 3rd before Joel's departure. To remove the viagral spammers who commented while away, decided to delete and repost. Joel is now back and is busy recuperating from Jetlag before developing pictures. However he did report that the 9 day excursion to Europe exceeded his wildest expectations in business and in the epicurean treasures he uncovered. He also fulfilled his mission for his father. A future post will be created to explain further.
However he was delighted to return and sink his teeth into the simple ecstacy of the World Famous JoelBurger. And since the dollar has sunk more against the Euro, it appears that more Europeans will be taking vacations to try to the burger for themselves.
Joel Leonard departs Greensboro onto another flavor expedition into his homeland of Germany and then to speak in Brussels at Euromaintenance Conference. 10 generations ago, Valentine Leonhardt in 1746 went down the Rhein River and boarded the vessel Neptune in Rotterdam and then sailed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Later he settled in Davidson County, NC and later fought in the battle of Guilford Courthouse. Afterward Valentine was later ambushed in home by revenge seeking tories who assasinated him.
That story Dr Joel Leonard used to tell his son Joel over dinner with pride and he showed off his fluent German. Last year Dr Joel succumbed to his battle with cancer. On this trip back to the area of his origin Joel will sprinkle his Dad's ashes into the Rhein River as a special tribute to his father and his ancestors.
We do not have long on this earth and that why Joel strives daily to live and enjoy life to its fullest!
And as Dr Leonard said "CARPE JOELBURGER!"
However he was delighted to return and sink his teeth into the simple ecstacy of the World Famous JoelBurger. And since the dollar has sunk more against the Euro, it appears that more Europeans will be taking vacations to try to the burger for themselves.
Joel Leonard departs Greensboro onto another flavor expedition into his homeland of Germany and then to speak in Brussels at Euromaintenance Conference. 10 generations ago, Valentine Leonhardt in 1746 went down the Rhein River and boarded the vessel Neptune in Rotterdam and then sailed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Later he settled in Davidson County, NC and later fought in the battle of Guilford Courthouse. Afterward Valentine was later ambushed in home by revenge seeking tories who assasinated him.
That story Dr Joel Leonard used to tell his son Joel over dinner with pride and he showed off his fluent German. Last year Dr Joel succumbed to his battle with cancer. On this trip back to the area of his origin Joel will sprinkle his Dad's ashes into the Rhein River as a special tribute to his father and his ancestors.
We do not have long on this earth and that why Joel strives daily to live and enjoy life to its fullest!
And as Dr Leonard said "CARPE JOELBURGER!"
Sunday, March 23, 2008
On a Wim and a prayer

Above is a picture of a big man from a small country. On his back he is courageously lifting the economies of Europe and striving to educate the world about the benefits of maintenance and engineering. So in Tribute to the European Maintenance Evangelist, Joel Leonard lifts his Chimay Belgian beer glass and says cheers.
In two weeks Joel will be visiting Brussels to contribute to the European Maintenance Engineering Conference, the largest ever to be held in Europe. Together Joel, Wim and thousands of engineers hope to elevate the profession.
Also they love to have fun and Joel hopes his European brethren can visit Fincastles and get to also enjoy the splendid tastes of the World Famous JoelBurger.
Wim- Cheers to you and all that you do!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Letty me have a JoelBurger!
Above is another Joelburger Fan, Letty Steggman. Evidently, Russ is not the only dreamer of the Joelburger and she proves that the JoelBurger is truly World Famous as she resides in Antwerp.
Too bad Letty, Customs will probably not allow us to bring a Joelburger with us to attend EuroMaintenance Conference in Brussels.
With the dollar now being .66 to the Euro, hope you and many of your friends can come over to the USA and visit Fincastles so that you get the full experience. \
Yes, there is a reason we have an obesity problem in the US. The food is darn good! However, we cannot wait to get some Belgian Beers and sample more Belgian Fries!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Web Hunter Dreams for a chance to try the World Famous Joel Burger Executive Editor Russ Kratowicz mentions in his Webhunter Column in the March Issue about various types of Blogs. It is quite an honor for the Joelburger Blog to be mentioned in the same column as old friend and frequent guest of Oprah, Marshall Brain. See picture from 2000 Facilities America Conference in St Louis Marshall Brain, Joel Leonard and his famous red 22EEE Bob Lanier size shoe(Management Tool) he used to motivate AFE Membership growth.

See excerpt below from
A multifaceted guy
"You might recognize Joel Leonard as the main preacher in the pulpit we give him to expound on the Maintenance Crisis. You might be surprised to learn that he’s a multifaceted guy who has a sandwich named after him. And, he blogs about it. When you visit Fincastle’s Diner in Greensboro, N.C., to order a Joelburger, you get a double Angus pimento cheeseburger served on sourdough bread. How can one go wrong with that sort of feast? Any calorie-starved mouse can learn more at If you can’t get to Greensboro, you can dream."
Who knows perhaps Russ someday we may be able to make your dreams come true and give your tastebuds the enormous pleasure of biting into the first burger to inspire it's own Blog! And please keep on inspiring engineers to take advantage of the web to advance their careers and businesses upward! Cheers Russ!!!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Who needs Valentines day when you can a have a Joelburger anyday?
Friday, February 15, 2008
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