Although totally unrelated to the Joelburger, but thought that you might want to learn about another Joel creation. It appears that 4 years ago Greta Lint, his girlfriend. needed an idea to promote the Statesville Pumpkin Festival.
Well, Joel instantly responded, why not catapult pumpkins with political caricatures painted on the pumpkins down a field to predict the results of the 2004 election? Thus the Great Heads of Stateville Exit Poll was born.
Believe it or not it was 80% accurate at predicting the races. And ironically it also discovered that John Edwards had a bad habit of misfiring-- oh that is another story-- but anyway with 2008 Election weeks away on October 24th they will be launching at least 20 more pumpkins. This time Mitchell Community College Physics and Industrial Maintenance classes have built and welded the catapult and an 8th grade art class will be painting the pumpkins.

What Joel is particularly pleased is that it also helped launch the careers of several future engineers. Now that is how to make school interesting.
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